Our PTO Leaders
Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents and teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions. Interested in open board positions? Contact us!
President Laura Lathrop
The President presides over meetings, serves as the primary contact between the PTO and the school administration, and coordinates the work of all the Board and Chair persons. The president also works closely with administration to plan and set up for Information Day in August.
Laura Lathrop served 2 years as the VP of Membership before stepping into the President role. She is the Children and Family Minister at Northwest Church of Christ in Oklahoma City. She has enjoyed meeting many of you at meetings and events, and matching your faces to your names that she has seen online.
VP- Membership Allyson Kubat
The VP of Membership prepares meeting agendas, ensures all meetings are conducted in accordance to our Bylaws, and recruits and schedules volunteers for WIPTO events, as requested by the leaders of each event.
Allyson Kubat has served 1 year as the VP of Family Events. She is the Director of Workforce Management for PPLSI, Business Solutions Services.
VP- Fundraising Romy Cotten
Fundraising includes the coordination of fundraising events, such as the Fun Run, and participation in the committee for approving Teacher Grants. Ideally the VP of Fundraising has 1 Assistant and the Chair of Restaurants who work together to raise funds for Washington Irving.
VP- Family Events Open position
Family Events include Family Picnic and the Spring Event. Ideally, the VP of Family Events has 1 Assistant and 5 Spring event committees (Fundraising/Donations, Raffle/Class Baskets, Games, Signage/Decorations, & Miscellaneous). Together, they plan, communicate, assemble supplies, organize donations, and document.
Homeroom Parent Coordinator Kelsey Schwartz
The Director of Homeroom Parents communicates with the 70 Homeroom Parents of Washington Irving about guidelines of a Homeroom Parent, upcoming class parties, PTO volunteer opportunities, etc. for the Homeroom Parents to then communicate with the class. The Director of Homeroom Parents also manages the Favorites Lists of all of the Staff, manages parents attending parties, and oversees the Chair positions.
Director of Student Events unfilled
Student Events include the Spirit Store(s) and the Holiday Store. Ideally, the Director of Student Events has 2 Assistants, 1 for the Spirit Store and 1 for the Holiday Store. Together they plan, purchase, price, set up, and manage the stores.
Unfortunately, the Assistants for Spirit Store and Holiday Store are unfilled.
Are you talented at planning, purchasing, pricing, setting up, and/or managing stock? If so, join the Student Events team!!
Secretary Ashley Drees
The Secretary takes and records minutes at all meetings, including voting, and conducts all necessary correspondence of the organization, such as sending PTO announcements for Wolf Notes. The Secretary also oversees the Flowerbeds, which are currently maintained by Megan Sutton.
Ashley Drees is in her 2nd year as Secretary. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker at Integrated Therapy Solutions of Oklahoma.
Treasurer Emily Deacon
The Treasurer watches the PTO bank account diligently, receives and maintains custody of all funds of the WIPTO, keeps record of all receipts and expenditures–including reconciling bank statements, pays out funds in accordance with the approved general budget and the approved event budgets as authorized by the Executive Board, files sanctioning paperwork annually, and files taxes. The Treasurer also answers any questions regarding money income and money spent.
It's a big responsibility, and Emily Deacon is in her 3rd year of Treasurer, handling it all gracefully!
Periodically, she needs a few people independent of the PTO Board to aid in the Financial Yearly Review (no financial background required). If this is something that sounds interesting to you, contact Emily Deacon.